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Atlanta GA
Georgia Railway and Power
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The Atlanta Northern was created as a subsidiary of Georgia Railway and Light when the interurban line was built from Atlanta north to Marietta in 1905, well after many of the city lines were established. At the time it was a fad to build new interurban lines at 3300 volts AC, particularly in the south, and run the cars on 550 volts DC in the city. About 1912 or so, the AC was dropped and the cars ran the whole distance on 550 volts DC and a track connection was made in downtown Atlanta with the rest of the city and allowed interchange of cars with the Stone Mountain line on the east side of town (a practice that was seldom done). Over the ensuing years the name Atlanta Northern sort of stuck with the Marietta line even though in 1920 the curved side cars were purchased for both interurban lines and the DC voltage was increased to 600 to make it standard across the system. Car 478 is shown here on April 19 1947. This car was purchased from the Toledo and Indiana (their 125) in 1942. The T&I, headquartered in Stryker, Ohio, was abandoned in 1939.
John Melton photo courtesy the Dan Borgnis collection


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