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The Connecticut Company
Norwich Division
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207 had its MU connection in the socket under the motormans window, where the headlight ought to be but isn't. The coupler was just a coupler, looks like a Tomlinson but doesnt appear to have any electric portion. Conn Company tried MU a few times: open cars 1126-1145 (New Haven), interurbans 201-210 (Norwich), and interurbans 1822-1831 (Hartford and New Britain). It was probably used on the open cars most of any, and even then not much: people didnt like being in the trailing open car and eating the first cars dust. Plus Conn Co didnt adjust its electric-switch contactors to allow for an MU train of cars, so there was another source of problems since Conn Co had to put all poles up when running any cars MU.
Courtesy the Bill Volkmer collection


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