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Los Angeles
Los Angeles Railways (LARys) / Los Angeles Transit Lines (LATL)
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LAMTA)
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3035 on the 3 line at Terminal on June 13 1947. The 3035 was the first PCC to leave the roster. It was being towed out-of-service to Vernon Yard by Big Bertha. The ATSF Harbor District crosses Vernon just west of the Vernon Yard lead. Santa Fe 260x, one of those big ugly center-cab Baldwin 6-6-2000s, was heading north on the District. Bertha lost her footing, untied from 3035, and went to gather help with 3035 left straddling the crossing. Shortly, the body contours of 3035 were adjusted to fit nicely into one end of a DT 6-6-2000. Good-bye 3035.
Caption comment from Ken Harrison; Bob McVay photo courtesy the Joe Testagrose collection


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